When we put GOD first, GOD put us first right away!
We become His priority.
We become His Favourite.
We become on the top of His List.
Right away.
Isn’t that great news to hear?
Glorify Him.
DO His work.
BLESS His Work.
SHOW people that He is REAL.
Here are a few ways to become GOD’s favourite
Method A: Become a Miracle Healer
Meaning: train up and start healing people like me. That’s why I started a miracle school.
Method B: Bless & Contribute
Meaning: Contribute financially to the cause. Anything you buy from our healing school…
You are directly supporting GOD’s work.
Method C: Become a Miracle Worker
Meaning: promote & do marketing and SELL GOD.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with selling GOD.
What is better than selling GOD?
GOD is the best thing that happened to me.
Not only that, it means your boss is GOD Himself.
Not only that, you can generate an income doing GOD’s work.
What is better than GOD’s work?
Doing GOD’s work and making a living at the same time!
We have created a system…
Where you can work with us, and make income at the same time.
More on that later.
There are billions of people that still haven’t met GOD…
And have not experienced the power & love of GOD almighty.
We still have a lot of work to do.
And we are just beginning!
Now I would like to invite you to be part of GOD’s Work.
Holy Spirit’s Diamond Club where you become a monthly contributor.
When you are a Diamond Club Member, you are GOD’s special gem…
Valuable & precious… like a diamond.
When you are a Diamond Club Member, you are seeing the value in our work…
– you want to bless other people
– you want to bless our work
– you want to support us financially to grow the work further & bigger.
– you want more people to benefit from the work
– you want to spread the kingdom of GOD
Healing Pod (Worth $30/Month)
The Healing Pod is the special healing portal created to provide you deep miracle healing when you are sleeping.
Over 30% of the population do not have good night sleep at all.
That’s why many people have so many health problems.
It sends you healing when you are sleeping.
A good night’s sleep means a better tomorrow. Literally.
Better health.
Better mind & clarity.
Better energy.
Daily Miracle Healing(Worth $50/Month)
We send out daily miracle healing two times a day.
Like eating food daily, we also need daily healing from GOD.
For general healing.
For protection.
For peace.
Miracle Healers Academy (Worth $50/Month)
Be part of the healer’s group and continue your training as a miracle Healer.
Monthly training for students who want to become miracle healers.
I can only teach you so much in an online course.
To continue your learning & training as healer, and you will receive guidance from me on a regular basis.
Super Miracle Worker (Worth $100/Month)
As a marketer for GOD, the typical commission is 20%…
But as a Diamond Club Member, your commission is 40%.
Double the typical commission!
That means you generate 2x the income for the same amount of work you do for promoting GOD.
Praise GOD.
Yes. We will be straight and just say it directly.
When you are contributing and blessing GOD’s work financially…
You have become GOD’s favourite.
You are now on His priority list.
Right away.
You Are Blessing GOD’s Work
Blessing #1 – Reaching Out To More People
One of the hardest things to do is marketing… (reaching to more people)
The reason you know about us is because you saw the advertisements we run.
BUT advertisement is NOT FREE.
It costs money.
In fact, it’s very expensive.
That’s why Google and Facebook are worth billions and billions of dollars.
When you are contributing…
You allow us to have the funds to continue to reach out to more people…
And bring people back to GOD.
And that’s why as affiliates, when you do marketing for GOD, we pay you commissions.
Marketing is extremely valuable to any organization.
Blessing #2 – Keep it FREE For People Who Are Broke
FREE – Unlimited Miracles Program
FREE – Healing Pod
FREE – Daily Miracle Healing
FREE – Holy Fire Weekly Healing
And This is Karan.
He is one of our pastors in our Nepal ministry.
He is doing miracle healing work and preaching the gospel in one of the poorest regions in Nepal.
Nepal is one of the poorest countries in the world
Most people there do not even have the internet.
They can’t even access our program for free.
We are able to do our work in nepal and bless the people there
Is because of our generous students who are blessing the work.
This is what you are paying for when you are a monthly contributor.
You are making the services we have for FREE for people who cannot afford it.
Acts 20:35
It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Diamond Club members who are contributing $99/month get the following special benefits…
Everything mentioned AND…
Special Benefit #1 – Miracle Healers Academy
(Worth $50/month)
Continue training and guidance from Nicole
Special Benefit #2 – Super Miracle Worker
40% commission instead of 20% commission as a marketer for GOD.
I understand not everyone can afford $99/month.
And that is fine.
You can contribute whatever amount according to your financial situation.
Now… Pray to GOD to guide you to a better financial situation so that you can bless his work.
We go by the honor system, if you can afford $99/month.
Then do so.
If not, the lowest amount is $5/month.
And you will still have access to the followings
Healing Pod ($30/month)
Daily Miracle Healing ($50/month)
Weekly Holy Fire Healing ($100/month)
Thank you for being part of the community.
Peace & blessings to you.
All glory to GOD our Creator.
King of the universe.